Crafting the Perfect Problem Statement: A Comprehensive Guide with 25 Examples and a Template

Crafting the Perfect Problem Statement: A Comprehensive Guide with 25 Examples and a Template

Crafting the Perfect Problem Statement: A Comprehensive Guide with 25 Examples and a Template


In the realm of capital raising and pitching to investors, a compelling pitch deck is your golden ticket to securing funding. However, one often underestimated gem within your pitch deck is the problem statement. It's where you showcase the problem your business aims to solve, making a persuasive case for investors to join your digital transformation journey. In this extensive guide, we'll explore the art of constructing a captivating problem statement, featuring 25 exemplary examples from successful pitch decks. We'll also provide you with a template and address crucial questions about problem statement content and design. Our mission is to empower you with the skills to master this critical aspect of your capital-raising journey.

How to Write a Problem Statement in a Clear Way?

Crafting a clear and compelling problem statement is the cornerstone of your pitch deck's problem page. Follow these steps to create an effective problem statement:

  1. Identify the Pain Point: Clearly articulate the problem faced by your target audience. Be specific and concise.
  2. Quantify the Impact: Utilize data and statistics to quantify the severity and impact of the problem. This adds credibility to your statement.
  3. Explain the Consequences: Describe the consequences or challenges that your audience faces due to this problem. Help investors empathize with your target market.
  4. Highlight the Gap: Explain the limitations of existing solutions or why they are inadequate in addressing the problem.

Table 1: Pros and Cons of a Clear Problem Statement

Should I Use Text Only or Combine It with Photos?

Incorporating visuals into your problem statement can amplify its impact. Consider these options:

  • Infographics: Employ charts or graphs to illustrate the problem's scale and significance.
  • Images: Utilize relevant images that depict the real-world consequences of the problem.
  • Combination: Merge text and visuals for a balanced approach.

Table 2: Pros and Cons of Using Visuals in Problem Statements

How Do I Use Credited Sources to Prove My Point?

Incorporating credible sources into your problem statement can bolster its credibility. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Select Reliable Sources: Use reputable sources, such as academic studies, industry reports, or well-known publications.
  2. Provide Citations: Clearly cite the sources you use, including publication dates and authors.
  3. Use Quotes Sparingly: Incorporate quotes or statistics from your sources, but avoid overwhelming your audience with excessive data.

Table 3: Pros and Cons of Using Credited Sources

How Do I Design the Problem Statement?

An effective problem statement design should be visually engaging and easy to follow. Here are some design principles to consider:

  • Visual Hierarchy: Use headings, subheadings, and font sizes to guide readers through your content.
  • Whitespace: Ensure proper spacing to avoid clutter and improve readability.
  • Color Scheme: Use a consistent color scheme that aligns with your brand but doesn't distract from the content.
  • Images and Graphics: Use visuals strategically to support your narrative.

Table 4: Pros and Cons of Problem Statement Design

25 Examples of Problem Statements

To provide you with valuable insights, here are 25 examples of effective problem statements from successful pitch decks:

Example 1:Problem: Nearly 60% of small businesses struggle with cash flow management, leading to financial instability.

Example 2:Problem: Existing healthcare software fails to provide real-time patient data, causing delays in critical medical decisions.

Example 3:Problem: 90% of e-commerce websites lack personalized product recommendations, resulting in lost sales opportunities.

Example 4:Problem: The construction industry faces a shortage of skilled labor, leading to project delays and cost overruns.

Example 5:Problem: Environmental pollution is increasing at an alarming rate, endangering the health and well-being of communities.

Example 6:Problem: Traditional educational methods do not cater to individual learning styles, leading to lower student engagement.

Example 7:Problem: Small farmers struggle to access fair market prices for their produce, impacting their livelihoods.

Example 8:Problem: Companies grapple with inefficient supply chain management, resulting in excess inventory costs.

Example 9:Problem: High employee turnover rates in the retail industry lead to increased training costs and decreased customer satisfaction.

Example 10:Problem: Urban traffic congestion is on the rise, causing increased commute times and environmental pollution.

Example 11:Problem: Startups lack access to affordable legal services, hindering their growth and compliance.

Example 12:Problem: Cybersecurity threats are evolving rapidly, leaving businesses vulnerable to data breaches.

Example 13:Problem: Healthcare providers struggle with medical billing complexities, leading to billing errors and financial losses.

Example 14:Problem: Remote work challenges hinder employee productivity and collaboration in the digital age.

Example 15:Problem: The entertainment industry faces piracy issues, resulting in revenue loss for content creators.

Example 16:Problem: Aging populations require innovative solutions for healthcare and elderly care.

Example 17:Problem: Inefficient energy consumption contributes to environmental degradation and rising costs.

Example 18:Problem: The education sector needs improved access to online learning resources.

Example 19:Problem: Startups often lack mentorship and guidance in navigating the complexities of the business world.

Example 20:Problem: The hospitality industry grapples with fluctuating demand, impacting pricing strategies.

Example 21:Problem: Remote communities lack access to reliable internet services, limiting opportunities for economic growth.

Example 22:Problem: Financial institutions face compliance challenges in an evolving regulatory landscape.

Example 23:Problem: Aging infrastructure poses risks to public safety and efficiency.

Example 24:Problem: Healthcare disparities persist among underserved communities, leading to unequal access to quality care.

Example 25:Problem: Social isolation and mental health issues are on the rise, especially among young adults.

Problem Statement Template

Now, use the following template as a starting point for crafting your own problem statement:

Problem Statement Template

Problem: [Clearly articulate the problem your target audience faces.]

Impact: [Utilize data and statistics to quantify the severity and impact of the problem.]

Consequences: [Describe the consequences or challenges your audience experiences due to this problem.]

Gap: [Explain the limitations of existing solutions or why they are inadequate in addressing the problem.]

SEO Optimization for Keywords

To ensure this valuable information reaches those who need it, we've optimized this blog post for the following key SEO keywords:

  1. CRM for capital raising
  2. How to raise capital
  3. How to raise capital from VC
  4. Venture capital


Mastering the art of creating a persuasive problem statement is essential for a successful pitch deck and your digital transformation journey in raising capital. By crafting a clear problem statement, using visuals judiciously, incorporating credible sources, and adopting a thoughtful design, you can capture investors' attention and gain their confidence.

Ready to take the next step? Visit our website or contact us now. Let's work together to refine your pitch deck and pave the way for your business's growth and success. Your journey to securing venture capital begins here.